Family Support Expand Family Action Family action provides practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across England. Family Lives Family Lives is a UK charity which offers support to anyone parenting a child. Helpline: 0808 800 2222 Gingerbread Gingerbread offer support for anyone bringing up children alone. It operates nationally through a network of self help groups which provide a range of social activities for parents and children as well as emotional support, benefits advice and legal advice. Freephone and advice line: 0808 802 0925 Home-Start UK Home-Start UK is for people with at least one child under the age of five who are experiencing difficulties, stress or harassment. They offer a befriending scheme where volunteers visit families in their own homes, helping to prevent family crisis. Information line: 0116 464 5490 Ormiston Children and Families Trust The Ormiston Children and Families Trust offer information and advice around how to tell children about a parent's imprisonment and what support they may need. They produce information leaflets specifically around these issues. Telephone: 01473 724517 Relate Relate are a national counselling agency for people having difficulties in their personal relationships. 0300 003 0396
Legal Advice Expand Fair Trials Fair Trials campaigns for fair and equal criminal justice systems. They are unable to act as your lawyer or provide financial support but they may be able to help you identify local lawyers and advise you and your local lawyer about your fair trial rights under international law. They have information on what to do if you’ve been arrested, how to instruct a lawyer and how to get support for your case. Reprieve An organisation that provides free legal and investigative support to people facing execution or affected by counter-terrorism policies. Telephone: 020 7553 8140
Financial Advice Expand National Debtline An independent charity, dedicated to providing free debt advice by phone and online to people across the UK. 0808 808 4000 Step Change Helping people in the UK to overcome their debt problems, and get their lives back on track. Debt advice helpline: 0800 138 1111
Physical and Mental Health Expand FRANK Offers a free, confidential 24 hour helpline for drug information and advice. Their website provides details of specific drugs, uses, effects and addictions Helpline: 0300 123 6600 Mind Provides advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They offer an information line, legal advice and publications on mental health conditions. Mind also delivers local services, such as low-cost counselling therapy. Mindinfoline: 0300 123 3393 NHS Choices The official website of the National Health Service in the UK, providing comprehensive health information with articles, videos and tools to help you make the most of the services available. For non-urgent medical advice call 111 Samaritans Provide confidential emotional support 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Telephone: 08457 90 90 90
General Advice Expand Action for Prisoners' and Offenders' Families (part of Family Lives) Supporting families who are affected by imprisonment. Helpline: 0808 800 2222 Citizens Advice (England and Wales) Provides free, impartial and confidential advice on areas such as benefits, debt, housing, healthcare, etc. England 03444 111 444 Wales 03444 77 20 20 Advice.Scot (Scotland) Helpline: 0808 800 9060 Families Outside (Scotland) The only national charity in Scotland that works solely to support the families of people affected by imprisonment. They work to mitigate the effects of imprisonment on children and families through support and information for families. Helpline: 0800 254 0088 Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and its worldwide network of Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates, can provide help and information to British nationals arrested overseas. Further information can be found in this guidance: And information about specific countries can be found here: Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas (Northern Ireland) Supports Irish prisoners detained in the UK and overseas; they also provide family support. ROI: (00 353) 1505 3156 UK: 020 7482 5528 MediaWise Provides free, confidential advice and assistance for members of the public affected by inaccurate, intrusive, or sensational media coverage. Telephone: 07968 031 532 Prisoners' Families Helpline A free and confidential service which offers practical and emotional support, information and advice to anyone who is affected by imprisonment, in a straightforward, non-judgemental way. Helpline: 0808 808 2003