Financial and Other Advice Citizens Advice Provides free, impartial and confidential advice on areas such as benefits, debt, housing, healthcare, etc. England 03444 111 444 Wales 03444 77 20 20 Credit Unions A Credit Union is a self-help financial co-operative. They provide two basic services to their members - convenient savings and cheap loans. In addition some Credit Unions offer bill paying services and cheap life assurance to members. For details of your nearest credit union contact your local Citizens Advice centre (see above). National Debtline An independent charity, dedicated to providing free debt advice by phone and online to people across the UK. 0808 808 4000 Pay Plan Pay Plan is a website providing free, impartial debt advice. Helpline: 0800 280 2816 (Mon to Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 9am-3pm) Manage Cookie Preferences