London, UK: Kevin Fitzgerald CBE joins the team at Prisoners Abroad as one of our valued Patrons. Kevin Fitzgerald’s support and encouragement towards protecting the welfare and human rights of prisoners overseas remains significant, and after previous Chairmanship and Trusteeship we are humbled at his acceptance of this role. Kevin has been an advocate of our work for ten years and has used his influence to raise awareness of Prisoners Abroad. We will continue to work together to ensure people survive imprisonment overseas with dignity and hope. Kevin currently works for the United Nations and is based in Geneva.

We are embarking on our 41st year as a charity and support for the needs of this isolated group of people is ever present. Kevin said “I'm both delighted and honoured with the invitation from Prisoners Abroad to become a Patron. Whilst Prisoners Abroad looks after British citizens and their families in very difficult situations from a UK base, it is truly a world-leading humanitarian organisation.”

As a human rights advocate, Kevin is an earnest fit for Prisoners Abroad, not only in his career history, but in his approach; he stands out as being optimistic, non-judgmental and practical. Kevin Fitzgerald’s career achievements include:

  • Independent Member of the Public Diplomacy Partners Group at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 2007-2012
  • Managing Director of Rough Guides and ran the Better World campaign for DFID (Department for International Development)
  • Chief Executive of the Copyright Licensing Agency from 2007-2014
  • Chair of the European Union Group for Reproduction Rights


Notes to editors:

  1. For more information please contact Emily Richards, Marketing and Communications Manager, on [email protected].
  2. Prisoners Abroad is a human rights and welfare charity providing humanitarian aid, advice and emotional support to people affected by overseas imprisonment. We assist British citizens during their incarceration, when they return to the UK and need access to resettlement services, and we also support their family and friends throughout the trauma.