News and Media News stories Our Radio 4 Appeal Thank so much to everyone who supported our Radio 4 Appeal. We were thrilled for Simon Callow to make the appeal for us, speaking about how important it is to support British people in prison all over the world. He spoke more specifically about Jon, who was imprisoned in Thailand for two years. This was such an incredible opportunity for us to be able to reach new supporters and to raise vital funds to support people affected by overseas imprisonment and their families. You can still read Jon’s full story describing the conditions he endured in prison in Thailand. Or listen to the Audioboom Simon recorded at the BBC, alongside our appeal, explaining why he chose to support us and why our cause needs continued support: Your browser does not support the audio element. Please click here to download the file The Prisoners Abroad Radio 4 Appeal is still available on the BBC website if you'd still like to listen to it. Manage Cookie Preferences