Our Resettlement Handbooks contain important information to assist in navigating resettling in the UK after prison overseas. 

Coming Home

Coming Home is a useful guide for people approaching release, and their families. 

Returning to the UK following imprisonment abroad can be a difficult and stressful experience, not only for the person who has been in prison, but also for their family. Being released after serving a prison sentence abroad may seem like the end of a difficult chapter for both of you, but returning to the UK and being reconciled with family may bring up a number of issues that neither of you had anticipated.

Welcome Home

Welcome home offers information about the reality of being back in the UK for someone who has a relative returning from prison, and gives guidance and advice on the initial steps of resettlement and how to manage some of the challenges. 

Resettlement is a stage-by-stage process. People can take many months to adapt to life back in the UK and with their family. It can be hard, but if you both view it as a new start, the initial struggle can be easier and you and your relative can go on to make a happy and successful new life. 

Your Journey - Women's Booklet

Our Women's Booklet is designed specifically with women in mind, and includes information about some of the acute challenges that women face in prison and when returning to the UK after prison overseas. 

In the many years that Prisoners Abroad have been supporting people in prison overseas and on return, we have seen that women experience imprisonment and resettlement in a different way and have different needs. We've now dedicated a booklet just to our women service users.