Get involved Campaigns Send a message of hope to a prisoner The UN's International Day of Happiness falls on March 20th each year. At Prisoners Abroad, we have learnt that some of the smallest gestures can make the biggest difference, particularly for those who are struggling and isolated. We have invited our supporters to share messages of hope with overseas prisoners, those returning to the UK after a sentence abroad, and family members struggling with the burden of imprisonment. Read on to see some of the lovely comments for yourself and submit your own message at the bottom of this page. "Welcome to the UK. Your new journey is just starting. I hope you find peace & tranquility here, a place of safety & acceptance. I hope the support & welcome you receive here in the UK enables you to be the best person you can. All good wishes." "Dear friend, stay safe, you have friends that care. I will keep you in my daily thoughts. It is tough, but you are tough. Your friend." "Hi, welcome back, you are not alone. There are people who are rooting for you! With the help of Prisoners Abroad you'll soon be back on your feet it may be daunting but have faith in yourself and the universe I'm a great believer of things happening for a reason. When I went to prison my mantra was "how can the end be the beginning when the beginning feels so bad" it made me look for positives in a negative situation. For example it was the beginning of my new life as I was free from drugs for the first time in many years. I know its easy for me to say but look for the positive and you'll be surprised what positive thinking brings. Good Luck." "I know it seems that there is no light and that there is no hope. But I promise one day you will smile again, you will experience joy again. Have hope. I know you feel that you are tired, but keep firm with this - have hope." "Welcome home in these very uncertain times. I wish you all the best in settling in, and I wish you a good life, after all the hardship you have endured." "Time will pass and the future is not decided. Endure, succeed. I hope that you are coping okay and can stay positive." "It’s often the case that a new start seems daunting and scary. Your opportunities here are almost endless. I’m excited for you. Sending you positive thoughts. I can’t wait to read about your successes." "People are thinking of you and wishing you well. Nothing lasts forever and whatever tunnels we go through, we come out with new strengths." "Hello and welcome back to the UK. I don’t know what you have been through, but I know it will have been tough. I would like to wish you all the very best in rebuilding your life and I know that Prisoners Abroad will do all they can to help you." "There are people who care and who are thinking of you, and wishing you well." "Welcome home - or to your new home if you grew up in another country. This is a scary time, I'm sure, but you have a lot of good people, and healthcare and welfare institutions at your back. I long for my son's return to Scotland, yet I also know that adjusting will be complicated and often frustrating. Know that you are welcomed by Prisoners Abroad and the many people who support this great organisation!" "Know that you are not alone. There are people - unknown to you - who care about your circumstances without judgement. Be strong. Stay strong. There will be light at the end of this ordeal." "It must be so strange to be arriving back in the UK after such a long time away. Sending best wishes for strength, courage and a calm mind to deal with everything that you have to do, and my hope that you will find all the support you need." "Sending love from a small corner of Sussex for you, wherever you are, and I hope Prisoners Abroad bring you comfort." "Don't give up hope. There are people here in the UK ready to support you, both now and when you leave prison - and your family, too." "I think about your plight often. You are in my prayers and you are not forgotten." Submit your own message of support! Prisoners Abroad could not work without the support of people like you, who believe that everyone deserves to survive overseas imprisonment with dignity and face the future with hope. Your message could make a real difference to someone living through a sentence abroad. Thank you. Send a message Manage Cookie Preferences