Overview of Resettlement Service

Prisoners Abroad provides a Resettlement Service to returning prisoners. The aim of the Resettlement Service is to support an individual upon their return to the UK. To access the Resettlement Service individuals must be registered with us prior to their return.

How can you prepare?

If you are unsure if Prisoners Abroad knows about you then please act now and write to us.  You need to be a registered client before we can provide Resettlement assistance; this means you need to provide us with a completed:

Authorisation Form

Resettlement Needs Assessment Form

          Needs Assessment form notes

If you have not seen our paperwork or have signed forms but not heard from us, please write and let us know or contact your Consular Representative and ask about registration with Prisoners Abroad.

"The more you can do whilst in prison, the easier it will be when you're out." - Ex-prisoner; Australia

Important things to know:

  • If you are not known to Prisoners Abroad before your return to the UK we cannot provide you with a Resettlement Service. 
  • We may not be able to provide a full Resettlement Service based on factors such as late notice; when we do not hold sufficient information about you before your return; or if you would have difficulties engaging with the requirements of the resettlement team.
  • Do not assume that Consular Staff have told us about you, they cannot automatically pass on information about you without your consent, so you must fill in our forms.
  • Make sure you are clear with the Consul who is going to send forms back to Prisoners Abroad. They might be able to email forms to us but you will have to discuss this with them.
  • Prisoners Abroad is an independent welfare charity; signing up with us does not make your deportation and removal more likely. We work in partnership with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office on your welfare needs only. We are not involved in legal matters or your status at all.


Prisoners Abroad has produced the following guides to help you to prepare for your return:

Coming Home This booklet provides a great deal more information on all aspects of UK life and some helpful tips and advice about how you can prepare for your return.

Our Plan B leaflet provides helpful tips on how best to plan for deportation.

Our Welcome home? factsheet is intended for people who will be returning to their family in the UK after being released from prison abroad. 

Returning to the UK and the Sexual Offences Act 2003: the aim of this factsheet is to address some of the questions asked by clients who are returning with a conviction for a sexual offence and also to highlight the relevant parts of the Sexual Offences Act 2003. The full notification requirements are available on request from Prisoners Abroad.

Our resettlement service is available by appointment only and the team is available by phone from Monday to Friday from 9.30am till 4.30pm, as well as via email. You may need to leave your number with the person who answers, so that someone can call you back. 

Read about how we help after release.

Next page: Step by step

Prisoners Abroad is Big Lottery Funded